Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Host

So who's read The Host? I finished it Sunday night (around 1:30 am) after reading most of the day. I know a lot of you have bought it considering it is #1 on the NY Times list. :) ($14 at Costco) Overall, definitely liked Twilight better, however, I was pretty engrossed in it. Stephanie draws me in and gets me hooked more than most books! It took longer with The Host though. With Twilight, by page 18, (first mention of Edward :) I couldn't put it down. (And I couldn't get through New Moon fast enough - waiting for Edward to come back!!!) With The Host, after I read the first chapter, I was like "What the???" I didn't get it! After the first 60 or 70 pages though, I was pretty engrossed. So, I thought it was very entertaining and a good story. I don't like Sci Fi, but I did like the book. I think she is a very talented writer...

Spoiler Alert
Here is my hang up - Wanda and Jared. Was it just me or did you sort of want them to end up together??? I know, I know, Jared couldn't/shouldn't love Wanda because he loves Mel (and Wanda is in Mel's body!). So, Jared could never really love Wanda that way, but I don't see Wanda loving Ian as strongly as she loved Jared. In this crazy "Love Square" I think everyone ended up with who they "should" be with, so it was this "happy ending", but was it really?
What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you had read this yet...I haven't, because I wasn't so sure if I would like it. It sounds like you enjoyed it, so maybe after I finish HP #7, I'll have to go pick it up (Costco sounds like a great deal, thanks for the tip!).

Jenni Peay said...

I can't believe you read another Meyer book with out even consulting me first. I must catch up..

Our Family Happenings said...

I haven't read it, but I just finished reading all the Twilight books and I am looking forward to the next one coming out in the series! I will have to read this one next I guess.

Leymaster Family said...

I agree with the first couple of chapters being utterly confusing and might I add a bit boring. But don't give up, it does get better!

Mamu Lou said...

I'm with Annie- the first 80-100 pages were a little hard to get through but then...I really liked it. I'm glad she wrapped things up so nicely at the end although maybe it worked out a little too well? Nice blog by-the-way!

Leymaster Family said...

I was actually really happy about the whole Ian and Wanda thing. I felt like he loved her so much and treated her so well that they deserved eachother. Plus poor Mel, that would be sad if she were stuck in that situation forever! Do you think there will be a sequel?